Stichting Europese Beroepsopleidingen
The “Stichting Europäisches Bildungswerk” (Stichting EB) was founded in 1992 as Dutch legal entity with the intention to realise a European co-operative community of institutes for vocational education and training (VET institutes) and adult education as a foundation under Dutch law.
In Mai 2015 “Euregio-Berufsbildung/Verein zur Förderung euregionaler Berufsbildung in der Euregio Maas-Rhein e.V.” (Euregio-Berufsbilding e.V.) (EB e.V.) was founded as a German legal entity with the same intention and goals as a foundation under German law.
Partners and participants in this community are the VET-institutes VISTA college in Heerlen, Sittard and Maastricht (the Netherlands), ZAWM in Eupen (Belgium), Hast Katholiek Onderwijs Hasselt, Belgium, Berufskolleg Herzogenrath, Herzogenrath (Germany) en Berufskolleg Eschweiler, Eschweiler (Germany), Käthe-Kollwitz-Schule, Aachen (Germany), Thomas-Eßer-Berufskolleg, Euskirchen, (Germany), Berufskolleg Jülich, Jülich, (Germany) as well as other stakeholders from the Euregion Meuse Rhine.